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in Day
Social Studies - Upper - The New Nation & Westward Expansion (S7)
with Mary Krescanko

Come learn more about our new nation from 1789 to the Mid-1800s. Now that we’re independent, what came next? Who was coming to America, where were they going, and how was our brand new country changing to adapt to all this growth, new people, and new discoveries? It was an exciting time in America, come learn why! A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 4-5, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Monday, 9:00 am
April 28, May 5, May 12, May 19
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.