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in Day
Enrichment Upper - Snap & Explore: A Kids’ Adventure in Photography (S7)
with Molly Oliver

Calling all young photographers! Join us for an exciting adventure as we unlock the secrets of photography through five essential elements: Composition, Lighting, Line and Shape, Editing, and Perspective. Each week, we’ll focus on one of these elements, discovering how they come together to create stunning images. Get ready to experiment with your camera, unleash your creativity, and capture the world around you like never before. It’s time to have fun, learn new skills, and make photographs that tell your unique story! A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 4-5, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Day of the week: Fridays, Time 9:00 am
5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.