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Math - Lower - Going on a Shape Hunt (S7)
with Alisa Okamoto

Students will learn names of shapes, two-dimensional shapes, three-dimensional shapes, how to compare two and three-dimensional shapes apart, and how to solve word problems. Each week we will focus on a different topic as well as review concepts covered the week prior. A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades TK-1, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Tuesday's, 11AM
4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
Math - Upper - Geometry Giants (S7)
with Kelly Marks

Students will learn different measurement systems, how to convert from one to another, how to use a protractor and find missing angles, and how to find volume both with cubes and following the formula. A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 4-5, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Tuesday's, 11AM
4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.