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Pacific Coast Academy - Elevate

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Middle Elementary

in Course Level

Language Arts - Middle - Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say: Figures of Speech (S6)


with Erin Moffet

Calendar Mar 19, 2025 at 9 am, runs for 5 weeks


The English language is full of surprises and we will have fun sharing some of them in this class. Students will learn about strategies for figuring out what certain words and phrases mean by discussing figurative language,  prefixes, suffixes, and root words. This class is designed to provide students with strategies for understanding the hidden meanings of words. It is designed for grades 2-3, but all are welcome to attend. 

Course Time

Wednesdays at 9:00am

3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/23


Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 

Writer's Workshop - 3rd - Let's Learn Informative Writing(S6)


with Kim Winkelman

Calendar Mar 20, 2025 at 9 am, runs for 5 weeks


Writing to inform- Students will learn how to write an informational writing piece with their audience in mind.  Topics covered: the basic outline of an informative essay, how to choose a topic, researching your topic, writing a clear introduction that hooks the reader, including facts and details that group related information together followed by a solid conclusion. An opportunity for a work sample will be provided. This course is designed for 3rd  grade, but all are welcome to attend. 

Note: each week builds upon the last week’s skills so it is ideal to attend all classes.  

Course Time

Thursdays at 9:00am

 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/24

Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 

Science - Middle - Earth's Crazy Water (S6)


with Jessica Loehrmann

Calendar Mar 20, 2025 at 11 am, runs for 5 weeks


Students will explore the characteristics of water through fun hands-on experiments and interactive ways to remember the science language!

 A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 2 - 3, but all students are welcome.

Course Time

Thursday, 11:00 AM

March 20, March 27, April 3, April 10, April 24

Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 

Enrichment - Upper - 3-5 Spring into Art (S6)


with Heather Valles

Calendar Mar 21, 2025 at 9 am, runs for 5 weeks


Celebrate the beauty of spring while exploring your artistic side! In this fun and creative class, kids will create vibrant artwork and crafts inspired by flowers, bees, trees, and other springtime wonders. Along the way, they'll learn about artists, and essential art elements like color, shape, and line to bring their spring creations to life! A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 3-5, but all students are welcome.

Course Time

Day of the week:  Fridays, Time 9:00 am

3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 4/25

Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 



Social Studies - Middle - America's Laws and Landmarks (S7)


with Kristen Child

Calendar Apr 28, 2025 at 9 am, runs for 4 weeks


We will be learning about the golden rules and laws and how they are made. What is the Constitution and why is it important to you? And what are some of the national symbols and landmarks that we recognize that bring us together as a community? A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 2-3, but all students are welcome.

Course Time

Monday, 9:00 am

April 28, May 5, May 12, May 19

Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 

Language Arts - Middle - Grammar Can Be FUN! (S7)


with Joy Olson

Calendar Apr 30, 2025 at 9 am, runs for 5 weeks


Yes, grammar CAN be fun! Using standard English in speech and writing, this interactive course will review a few different grammar rules each week. Students will have fun with apostrophes, synonyms, and parts of speech. Lots of hands-on learning in this course!  Recommended for grades 2 and 3, but all students are welcome.

Course Time: Wednesdays at 9 AM

Dates: 04/30, 05/07, 05/14, 05/21, 05/28

Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 


Writer's Workshop - 3rd- Avenue of Imagination: Creative Writing (S7)


with Melissa Kroeger

Calendar May 1, 2025 at 9 am, runs for 5 weeks


In this writing lab, we’ll focus on developing our writing skills and creativity. Students will learn about plot lines, structure, character development, and narrative. From poetry and flip books to comic strips and illustrated stories, this course will provide opportunities for students to express themselves through their writing. This course is designed for 3rd graders, but all are welcome to attend. 

Course Time: Thursdays at 9 AM

Dates: 5/1,  5/8,   5/15,  5/22,   5/29

Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 


Science - Middle - Plants and Pollinators (S7)


with Elizabeth Ewan

Calendar May 1, 2025 at 11 am, runs for 5 weeks


Come along this interesting journey as we learn about plants and pollinators. Students will study various plants and how they grow as well as how animals help the process along.

A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 2-3, but all students are welcome.

Course Time

Thursday, 11:00 AM

May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22, May 29

Course Syllabus & Materials 

Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document.  It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week.  After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document. 

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