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Course Level
Social Studies - Lower - American Symbols, Songs, & Traditions (S5)
with Tanya German

The United States of America has symbols, songs, holidays, and similar traditions that unify us as a country. We will learn about these, what they are, how they came to be, and what they mean to us as Americans. A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades TK-1, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Monday 9 am
Feb 3, Feb 10, Mar 3, & mar 10
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
Social Studies - Middle - Economics for Beginners (S5)
with Christina Earwicker

Every day we make important decisions about what and how we consume. This learning period will be an Econ 101 class for younger students. Join us as we learn about our economic system and how we can participate wisely using our money, time and other resources to be healthy and wise consumers. A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 2-3, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Monday 9 am
Feb 3, Feb 10, Mar 3, Mar 10
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
Social Studies - Upper - Land of the Free, Home of the Brave (S5)
with Jenna Boolen

Who were the brave people who helped start our independent country and what freedoms were they seeking? Come join us as we learn about the American Revolution, what caused it, why it was fought and who were the important players in the founding of the USA, the land of the free and the home of the brave. A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 4/5, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Monday 9:00 am
Feb. 3, Feb. 10, March 3, March 10
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
MS/HS - Social Studies- The Renaissance (S5)
with Isabel Meling

Students will have the opportunity to experience the history of the Rennaissance period during this five week session. They will learn about the culture, ideas, and influential people of the time. A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 6-12, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Tuesdays, 9:00am
2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
Math - Lower - S'More Subtraction (S5)
with Jen Litt

Students will learn all about subtraction. They will spend time counting numbers and finding out the missing numbers in both subtraction and addition problems and solving basic word problems. Each week we will focus on a different topic as well as review concepts covered the week prior. A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades TK-1, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Tuesday at 11AM
2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3 /4, 3/11
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
Math - Middle - Measurement Madness (S5)
with Julie Keeton

Students will practice telling time to five minutes, distinguishing between am/pm, telling time to the nearest minute, using different measurement systems, and word problems with money and time. Each week we will focus on a different topic as well as review concepts covered the week prior.A work sample opportunity will be provided. Recommended for grades 2-3, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Tuesday at 11 AM
2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
Math - Upper - A Fraction Ahead (S5)
with Linda Matuk

Students will learn how to use models when multiplying fractions. Students will also learn how to add and subtract mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators and also compare two fractions with different numerators and denominators. Each week we will focus on a different topic as well as review concepts covered the week prior. Recommended for grades 4-5, but all students are welcome.
Course Time
Tuesday at 11 AM
2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.
Language Arts - Lower - Playful Poetry (S5)
with Britnie Naffziger

Foundational Reading Skills- Welcome, early readers, to this engaging course where we will have fun playing with words, poems and other fun stories! Topics covered will include print concepts, phonics, and word recognition. This course is designed for beginning readers, KN-1st grade, but all are welcome to attend. A work sample opportunity will be provided.
Course Time Wednesdays at 9am
Course Dates 02/05, 02/12, 02/26, 03/05, 03/12
Course Syllabus & Materials
Once your student is registered, you will be emailed a registration confirmation that includes the Course Syllabus & Materials document. It will include the Zoom link, state standards, expectations, and the materials that your student should have ready for class each week. After the class concludes, the slide presentations will be added to this document.